The babocush comfort cushion has many benefits for newborn babies aged 0-6 months. Very often, parents note how quickly their baby settles on the cushion. There are numerous testimonies from...
Does a Lip-Tie or Tongue-Tie Affect Bottle-Feeding?
Discover how lip-tie and tongue-tie affect bottle feeding & tips for comfort. Navigate feeding challenges with our guide.
Tongue Tie In Babies: What You Need To Know
Tongue-tie, also called ankyloglossia is common, affecting nearly 5% of all newborns. However, it is three times more common among baby boys. It can affect both...
Acid Reflux (GERD) In Babies: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
It’s very common for babies to spit up after feeding. This is known as gastroesophageal reflux or GER. However, if your baby frequently vomits and...
Bottle Feeding with Tongue Tie
When we think of tongue tie, we often think of a nervous speaker stumbling over their words, or mixing up our words during a conversation....
What To Do If Your Newborn Has Trapped Wind
Symptoms your baby may experience include a bloated tummy, straining to pass wind, difficulty burping and excessive flatulence. These symptoms can be very unsettling for...
Newborn Feeding Cues
As a new mother, you may be wondering how often and how much to feed your newborn. When your baby is hungry or full, they...