How Can The Babocush Comfort Cushion Help My Newborn Baby?

The babocush comfort cushion has many benefits for newborn babies aged 0-6 months. Very often, parents note how quickly their baby settles on the cushion. There are numerous testimonies from...

10 Foods to Avoid While Pregnant

10 Foods to Avoid While Pregnant

When you're pregnant, there are some things you shouldn't eat because they could make you sick or harm your baby. Make sure you're aware of...

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Postpartum Recovery: What To Expect

Postpartum Recovery: What To Expect

Postpartum recovery is a process that every new mother goes through after giving birth. It is a time when the mother's body undergoes several changes...

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postpartum mother

Postpartum Recovery Tips For New Moms

So you’ve finally made it through the triumphant journey of pregnancy and long hours of labor and you’re officially a mom. Congratulations! Now comes the...

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Silent Reflux in Babies: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Silent Reflux in Babies: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Reflux is a common problem in babies, and it usually starts in the first two months of life. More than half of babies spit up,...

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baby sleeping

What Is The Safest Sleep Solution For My Baby With Reflux?

Unfortunately for both parents and babies, reflux can have a dramatic effect on a baby's ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Thankfully, there are steps...

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What To Do If Your Newborn Has Trapped Wind

What To Do If Your Newborn Has Trapped Wind

Symptoms your baby may experience include a bloated tummy, straining to pass wind, difficulty burping and excessive flatulence. These symptoms can be very unsettling for...

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How To Play With Your Newborn To Encourage Development

How To Play With Your Newborn To Encourage Development

Newborns learn to move, communicate, socialize and understand the world around them through play. How you interact with your baby is key to their development...

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Baby Massages For Trapped Wind

Baby Massages For Trapped Wind

All babies have wind, which is essentially air bubbles in their stomach. It's only when these air bubbles become caught in the stomach as a...

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