How Can I Quickly Relieve My Baby’s Colic?

How Can I Quickly Relieve My Baby’s Colic?

Posted by Kerry Nevins on

Babies are a bundle of joy but can also be a source of stress for parents, especially when it comes to baby colic. In this blog, we’ll talk about the causes, signs and symptoms, as well as providing solutions for baby colic relief.

What Is Baby Colic?

Baby colic is a term used to describe when a baby cries excessively and is fussy for a long period of time with no obvious cause. Common in young babies, baby colic is characterised by crying and fussiness that typically lasts for more than three hours a day, three days a week and for at least a week.

What Causes Baby Colic?

Although the exact cause of baby colic remains largely unknown, it’s believed that there may be different contributing factors, such as digestion problems and sensitivity.

It is also likely that a colicky baby will experience gas or wind from swallowing air while they cry, but this is not the cause of baby colic.

Baby colic usually occurs during the first three months, which is also a time when a baby’s digestive system is still developing and maturing. This may make it difficult for them to fully process certain foods and get all the necessary nourishment from them, resulting in discomfort and baby colic.

Studies have shown that colic symptoms tend to occur earlier in formula-fed babies compared to those who are breastfed. In the research, about 43% of formula-fed babies experience colic, while only 16% of breastfed babies do. This may suggest that certain elements in formula can cause sensitivity in some babies.

It is also believed that colic can be linked to a breastfeeding mother’s diet, with studies suggesting a change in diet can reduce the signs and symptoms of baby colic.

Baby being bottle fed

Symptoms Of Baby Colic

As well as crying for more than three hours a day, three days a week for at least a week, there are a number of signs and symptoms that your baby may be experiencing baby colic.

  • Difficulty in soothing or settling
  • Clenching their fists
  • Going red in the face
  • Bringing their knees up to their tummy
  • Arching their back
  • A rumbling tummy or they become increasingly very windy

Colicky baby crying with arched back

How To Quickly Relieve Baby Colic

When it comes to quickly relieving baby colic, there is no one-method that fits all. However, there are a number of techniques that may provide relief:

  • Holding or cuddling your baby when they are crying a lot can help to soothe and comfort them
  • Keeping your baby upright during feeding to prevent them from swallowing air
  • Burping your baby after feeding to help release any trapped air
  • Bathing your baby in a warm bath to help soothe and calm them, as the warm water can relax their muscles
  • Playing gentle white noise in the background to distract your baby from their distress and calm them down
  • Continue to feed your baby as usual
  • Gently rock your baby using the Babocush Colic Relief Comfort Cushion
Babocush Colic Relief Comfort Cushion

When it comes to having a colicky baby, there are only so many ways to comfort and soothe them, so take it easy on yourself. You’re doing the best you can and your baby knows that.

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