New dad tips for when baby comes along

New dad tips for when baby comes along

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When a new baby is on the way, it’s normal that there’s lots of fuss over mum – a baby shower, free reign over decorating the nursery, odd pregnancy cravings to attend to – but what about dad? Obviously, mum is doing a lot of the hard work during the pregnancy stage, but the imminent arrival of a new family member can be a stressful and nerve-racking time for first time dads too. So, this post is just one for the expectant fathers out there – some new dad tips for when baby comes along.

It’s a partnership

You and your partner are in this together – so everything from packing the hospital bag, to picking a pram, to being present as a birthing partner are essential for dads to get involved in. You and your other half will no doubt experience a lot of emotions over the coming weeks as you go from being two to three, so remember that you need to offer support at every stage.

Feeding baby

If you and your partner have decided that breast feeding is the best option for your baby, it can sometimes feel like mum is totally in charge of this area, and doesn’t really require your input. Feeding is such an important bonding activity between baby and parent, so it’s important that dad gets involved too. It is possible to express and store breast milk so that dad can enjoy some bonding time here too. Burping your baby is also important after each feed to relive wind and gas, so dad can take over this part too if mum needs a break. The Babocush is also brilliant for helping your baby to bring up trapped wind and gas – simply pop them on the cushion after feeding and let them relax while you catch your breath.  

Playtime with baby

It’s not all work with a new baby! Well, it is, but it can be fun too. It’s important for dad to have some playtime with baby, which can be anything from singing to them whilst changing them, playing peekaboo, or just talking to them and giving them a cuddle. It’s not all about eating, sleeping and changing even as a newborn. Your baby will soon respond to these types of stimulation, so it’s important that dad gets involved too and not just mum.

Surviving without sleep

Sleep deprivation is probably the main thing that new parents dread – how will you cope with a few fractured hours a night until your baby settles into a routine? During this time you and your partner may be more irritable, but the important thing to remember is – this stage won’t last forever. In the meantime, to help cope with your sleepless nights you should share the night feed responsibilities, try to sleep when you can (even during the day to catch up) and if a friend or relative offers you help in the form of a night off – take it! No one can do it alone, so accept help where it’s offered.

Spending time together as a couple

A new addition to your family is a blessing, but you still need some time together as a couple too. Finding that can be difficult though, especially if your baby doesn’t like to be set down for any period of time, or suffers from any kind of colic or reflux which means time for eating and relaxing is scarce. That’s why so many new parents love the Babocush – it offers a few minutes to yourself again to eat dinner with both hands, watch a few minutes of TV, have a shower or simply have a chat together, safe in the knowledge that your baby is happy, safe and secure on their comfort cushion.





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