What Life As A New Mom Is Really Like

What Life As A New Mom Is Really Like

Posted by Kerry Nevins on

It's difficult to be a new mother. It's natural to be frustrated and tired. Parenting becomes much more difficult if your baby is always crying or refuses to sleep. During these early days of motherhood, it's critical to look after yourself by enlisting the help of family and friends – as well as your paediatrician. Just keep in mind that you are not alone. Here's some information that might be useful.

Baby Care

Crying is common in babies 

In the first six weeks of life, they cry on average for two to three hours every day. Most babies begin crying excessively at the age of two weeks and continue for about two months.

To comfort your baby, you may need to try a few different things. Try holding, feeding, swaddling, softly rocking, swaying, giving them a pacifier to suck on and singing to them as a starting point. It can be a trial and error process to figure out what works best for your baby. It's possible that certain things will need to be attempted several times before they work. 

Related: 7 Tips To Soothe A Crying Baby

What if the baby refuses to fall asleep? 

Until they are roughly six months old, babies do not have regular sleep patterns. Some will only sleep for one or two hours at a time. Here are some tips to get your newborn to sleep through the night.

Is there anything wrong with sibling rivalry? 

If you have other children, don't be shocked if they have outbursts or become hostile as they adjust to the new baby. Make it plain to your children how the new baby should be treated. Praise them for their willingness to help with the new baby and involve them as much as possible (this can be tedious but so worth it!) Keep a supply of healthy distractions on hand  and try to keep your cool when things don't go as planned.

Mom Care

Make an effort to get some rest yourself.

 It's critical that you take a rest. Sleeping when the baby is sleeping is a good idea, if possible. Alternatively, you can ask your partner or another responsible adult to watch your children while you take a break. Keep in mind that there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to parenting. Different approaches and styles can be used but all parents need help and support from time to time.

Make friends with other parents. 

Even though you're probably exhausted most of the time, talking with other adults will be worthwhile. Making mom friends (with moms with kids the same age as yours) that you click with, laugh with, and share your deepest fears with can really save your sanity at times. No matter how awkward you feel making new friends, just remember, pretty much every new mom is in the same situation and no matter what stage of motherhood they are in, most crave friendship.

Talking things out with other moms in your community or online can be really therapeutic. Sharing your story with someone who is going through the same thing is a great way to help them. Try websites like Mumsnet or Reddit. 

If you need help, ask for it. 

After having a baby, it's typical to experience melancholy or depression. If you have a history of depression before the birth of your child, you may be more susceptible to postpartum depression. Your doctor can assist you, or you can call the Postpartum Support.

Real Moms Share Their Stories…

“My NICU nurse told me the most basic advice that I will never forget: 'Don’t overthink it!' We think we need so much stuff, but babies are pretty basic in what they need at least in the first few weeks. And for the moms who might have babies in the NICU for some time like I did, don’t feel guilty if you can’t get there every day or stay all day. It is the hardest thing to leave your baby there while you go home, but they will never remember it. They are well cared for, getting stronger and it will just be a blip in your life one day.” 

Lizzy, 32


“I wish people told me how much sleep you honestly won’t get for the first 3 months. People joke and say you will never sleep again, but I wish someone told me straight out that it really only means a few hours a day. And, of course, I wish someone told me to drop my pride and take the help when it is offered from day one." 

Dianna, 31


“So many things. I wish I knew how hard breastfeeding was, that it doesn’t come easy, or come right away. I was really naïve about it. I also wish I might have had a heads up that constipation is real, even after a vaginal birth without painkillers. Ladies, take your stool softeners!” 

Nicole, 31


“Postpartum ain’t easy! I was so nervous about the delivery and felt like no one really talked about postpartum life. It was a couple of weeks before just sitting or getting up out of a chair didn’t hurt so much." 

Priya, 31

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