How we tested the Babocush to ensure your baby's safety by

How we tested the Babocush to ensure your baby's safety

Posted by Babocush Support on

Any new baby product that comes to market needs to be rigorously tested to ensure that it’s completely safe for babies to use – and the Babocush is no different. This innovative infant comfort cushion design has been 13 years in the making, with years of research, prototypes, testing and third party expert opinions involved in the whole process to ensure that baby safety and wellbeing are of the utmost importance. We’ve had numerous questions recently about how we tested the Babocush to ensure your baby’s safety while they are placed in the cushion, so we thought we’d address your queries in this post. 

Q: Is it safe to let my baby sleep in the Babocush? 

We never recommend that you let your baby sleep in the Babocush – it is primarily used to help relieve symptoms of colic and reflux, and to let them settle comfortably in a position which feels like the ‘over the shoulder’ position you would use to hold them. Also, we provide ‘sleep safe’ usage advice guidelines which you must read before you purchase a Babocush, which again reinforces that you shouldn’t let your baby sleep on their front in the Babocush. It’s very common for babies to quickly settle on their new cushion, and if this happens and they fall asleep, you should move them into their cot to crib to sleep. 

Q: Can my baby fall out of the Babocush? 

No – the Babocush is very secure, and if you decide you would like to attach it to a baby chair or rocker the design includes two secure straps to ensure it doesn’t shift from the desired position. The design of the Babocush also includes a 5 point harness, so your baby is safely strapped in until you decide to lift them from it. This also has the effect of swaddling your baby, which they find very soothing. 

Q: What safety standards are applied to the Babocush? 

The Babocush has been fully safety tested and is compliant with British, European and USA safety standards and regulations including the California Prop 65 standard which forbids the use of chemicals and fire retardants. When it comes to keeping your baby safe, a responsible parent knows to never leave them unattended anyway, whether they are in a rocker, a bouncer, a car seat or a Babocush. You can read more about our safety standards testing here.

Q: What independent research was carried out prior to launching the Babocush? 

Inventor Kerry Nevins took her ideas to the heads of respiratory at Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast to confirm that her design was safe, secure and good for a baby. The reports came back 100% positive - your baby’s position in the Babocush is simply perfect – it’s safe and comfortable and keeps the baby’s head in the perfect position to ensure the airways stay open, so this makes it totally safe for your baby to rest in. 

We hope this post has answered your safety questions, but if you want to speak with us directly for added peace of mind please feel free. We have lots of happy customers around the world who are already using the Babocush, and you can read their reviews here. 

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